When you have a significant life event it sometimes takes you a while to get back into the swing of things. There are emotional, physical, mental, and even time aspects to consider, depending on what your event was. For me it’s been having a baby. When I was pregnant nothing much changed, it was an easy pregnancy even with my health issues as I was able to work up until the last day and rip and run like usual. It was a true blessing and something that I don’t take for granted. When the baby arrived, that’s when things shifted, naturally. My emotions were sometimes all over the place (and still are), I spent more time inside than outside (which can cause too much isolation), and my time is now taken up by a little baby person, a teenager, work, and a partner. I want to continue to go at the hard pace I was going with prior to having a new little one in the house but that’s not always feasible. And really the only person who is sweating how much I do or don’t do…is only me.
Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to have a time out from all of the things in our head that we’d like to accomplish. This can be after a life event or not. We are fortunate to be ambitions especially here in America and depending on where you live the pressure to “do and be more” can be even more intense. For example I live in the DC Metropolitan Area, or DMV as we call it, where everyone is striving to be great…all the time. We are extremely ambitious with more than one thing going on at all times. We sit in traffic, work good jobs, buy houses, and pay a lot in expenses to live here so in order to be comfortable there has to be a level of go get it. But it shouldn’t be overwhelming and super stressful. There has to be a balance. So what do you do to maintain that balance?
First, keep a positive mind and positive outlook. Second, do whatever it takes to maintain that positive mental space and outlook. This can be challenging when you have things going on that affect your energy. I wrote a post at the beginning of last year that stands true at all times, not just at the beginning of a year. It provides 4 ways to get and stay positive. You can check it out here. I find that getting a positive mental state is not the same as staying there, you have to work your mental muscles the same way you do your physical muscles and that takes practice, repetition, and stamina. But just like anything that is life improving, it’s worth it. Getting your mind right will also help you get all of those things done!
I’m loving my new mommy life. And I’m taking my time getting back into the swing of things with work, a daughter getting ready for High School and who does competitive cheer, a baby who goes to daycare, an aging dog and a busy life partner. It’s coming along but I’ve had some bumps along the road of course, and will have more. But using my tools and network and continuously exercising by working on staying positive is getting me slowly but surely back on track and where I’d like to be…on the road, my road, to accomplishing some things I’d like to do. Of course keeping it Style Stamped all the way!
What are some tools you use to check things off of your list, or get back on track after something throws you off? Feel free to leave a comment!
xoxo, Yana B.
Sweater: (sold out but found on poshmark) or alternate look here
Jeans: Topshop (Similar here)
Shoes: Steve Madden (Similar here)
Coat: J Crew (Similar here)
Great post about perspective! The DMV life can get to us all.