Ms. Tabriah Chase
IG: @brichase11
Age: 27
Current Location:Washington, DC Area (DMV)
If you had 5 words to describe your style, what would they be?
♥ Colorful, vibrant, fun, feminine, and playful (especially with vintage pieces).
♦ Yes! Girl your style is all of this. I love it, it’s so original and just….you!
What style of clothes do you feel most comfortable in?
♥ I love the girly look but dig adding a bit of Goth in the mix. I am comfortable in anything that has a combination of color and print and fits well.
♦ Hmm…a girly and Goth mix…I like it. That sounds like a good balance J
What do you feel your style says about you? How does it connect with your personality?
♥ My style lets me express myself in ways that I cannot verbalize. I am an extremely shy, soft-spoken person (at times), so my style allows me to be loud, crazy, and sexy without speaking a word.
♦ Lol, wait. When are you this person? Hahaha I’m sorry. Back to your style…yes! Loud, crazy, sexy. Stamp!
How do you come up with an outfit? What are the steps you take to put it together?
♥ Most of the time I see a color/pattern or article of clothing that I like and it inspires me to try a particular look. I like having an original look, inspired from within.
♦ That’s cool. I love the way you put it together, you inspire me to try more with patterns and colors. Keep the inspiring looks coming!
What inspires your style? What do you like most about it?
♥ Shoes and colors! Lol. I am absolutely obsessed with shoes. I think it is so much fun to throw an oddball shoe together with an unexpected outfit.
♦ Shoes are definitely a source of style inspiration. To that my dear, I am a witness as well.
What is your favorite color?
♥ Purple is my favorite color. I think it’s good color to pair with anything. I also have a favorite that I can’t leave out…anything POLKA DOT!!!!! It’s such a crazy but girly pattern to me. Wait, I also can’t forget about my favorite neutral, Leopard print. Well I guess that question was a little hard for me, I don’t seem to have just one favorite color without mentioning the others…
♦ That’s cool. I’ve never had anyone pick a color and two patterns but you have the stage! I love Polka Dot as well! It’s a certified favorite for sure.
What is your favorite accessory?
♥ I have a thing for rings; big costumy, colorful, gaudy, unique looking rings! But, my very first love is shoes. Shoes are the accessory that will never let you down!
♦ I can dig it. We should go shoe shopping after this!
What is your favorite place to shop?
♥ H&M, mostly because their sizing works well for my body type and their price point works well for my wallet. Style wise, I love how they blend the Street Chic look with party fabulousness.
♦ H&M is a go-to spot to create great looks. It’s a high-end look for less and that is the best that a store can offer in my book!
What is your most favorite city to visit?
♥ New York, the city that never sleeps! I think I was born to be a New Yorker. I love the style, scenery and pace of life. The culture is amazing! But I do love my DMV, we just have a tendency to actually go to sleep.
♦ Now that is funny! DMV, the city that sleeps? Hilarious! There are not many places like NY. DMV isn’t that bad though. Y’all do okay. 🙂
Tell us anything else you want us to know about you and your style!!!
♥ I don’t have much more to say, but here’s a little fun fact about me; no one knows my real height because I am always wearing heels.
♦ Spoken like a true shoe lover.
Check out Tabriah’s style below!
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