I have watched a lot of television in my day. I have been into fashion my entire life. I have also worked in the DC Government arena for almost 4 years. Needless to say, SCANDAL embodies everything I know in more ways than one. It is what I see daily on the news or as I read the Washington Post Newspaper. But let me tell you, no one is doing DC more intriguingly, more fashionably, more draw dropping, than Scandal. Hands down. I would much rather be on the show than walking these streets in real life. Oh, but in Olivia Pope’s wardrobe of course. Stamp.

Kerry Washington’s character, Olivia Pope, inspired by the real life “fixer” Judy Smith, is awesome. She is a modern day “she-ro” for women of all nationalities and seated in all positions. She’s smart, she’s clever, and she stays a step ahead of the situation as if she can see the future. In short, she’s great at her job, and her job is her life. The job embodies everything she does, including the Scandalous affair with the President of the United States (POTUS). She eats, sleeps, and dreams about her job; it seeps through her pores and through the screen. Kerry Washington makes this character come completely alive, and she does it all in the latest threads. Although the story line is totally consuming, there are many minutes where I take my eye off of the situation and pay attention to her coat (or other article of clothing), and I have to say dag, that’s hot!! I then go back to the mind boggling current situation on the screen, but the mental picture of Olivia’s Armani coat lingers in my mind, unconsciously.

Lyn Paolo, Scandal’s costume designer, has Olivia Pope’s wardrobe down packed. It is far from flashy and all the way polished. She picks from designers who have structured palettes in their collection; who portray a mixture of a bold yet feminine look that speak to and mimic Olivia’s personality. In a man’s world, Olivia’s wardrobe still fits in without being too masculine. There are pastels and neutrals, peplums and three quarter inch sleeves. There are long gloves and simple necklaces. There are platform pumps and nice watches. There are Prada bags and Armani tailored suits. Nude lipsticks and bouncy hair. Olivia fits in; she’s powerful. She’s smart. Most importantly, she’s a woman, and the attitude and the outfits never lose sight of that. She is a fixer, in Washington, DC. She is Olivia Pope, and she is sophisticated, and she is fly. Hands down.

I love Olivia’s style. It’s simple, it’s comfortable, its structured, and it is stylish. In short, it is perfect. Here’s what Kerry Washington has to say about it:
She told Oprah this:
Olivia is adorned in a Burberry coat from the Spring 2013 collection/ Armani Pants/ Prata Twin Pocket Tote/ Movado Rose Gold Watch
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